Legal Advice Services

The bi-weekly Legal Advice Services (Advokatvagt) at Brønderslev Bibliotek offer free and confidential preliminary legal assistance and answers to common legal questions regarding issues such as divorce, custody, property matters, rental agreements, inheritance, and compensation.

The lawyer on duty will be able to provide a legal assessment of your case but cannot represent you. Based on the details you provide, the lawyer will advise you on your next steps. If your case requires further legal assistance, the lawyer will refer you accordingly.


Opening Hours

Legal Advice Services are open every other Wednesday from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm at Brønderslev Bibliotek (except in the month of July, between Christmas and New Year’s, and on other holidays falling on Wednesdays).

No appointments are necessary; consultations are offered on a first-come-first-serve basis. You can pick up a numbered ticket starting at 3:00 pm from the librarians on duty. Rest assured, your visit may remain entirely anonymous, and you will not be asked for any type of identification.