Become a library patron

To borrow materials or visit the library outside of librarian service hours, you will need to register as a library patron.

After registration the yellow "sundhedskort" (health insurance card) functions as your library card, while minors receive a designated, blue library card.

The card is personal and you are responsible for the library materials that are registered to you. Contact the library as soon as possible if you lose your card, to prevent it from being used by others.

How to register as a library patron

To register as a patron, you need to use MitID.

1. Read the library regulations and code of conduct.
2. Read the description of how we handle your personal information.

How to register a minor as a library patron

Patrons under the age of 18 must be registered by a parent, a guardian or another economically responsible person. The registrations process requires the use of the MitID belonging to parent/guardian/responsible person.

1. Read the library regulations and code of conduct
2. Read the description of how we handle your personal information.