Rules and Regulations

Learn about the regulations and code of conduct for use of the library and our materials.

Brønderslev Library is a municipal institution and use of the library is free. To ensure that the library benefits as many users as possible, terms and conditions apply. As a patron you are required to comply with the current rules and code of conduct.

Use of the library

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  • Everyone can freely use the regular offers and services of the libraries.
  • The library requires payment for printing and photocopying and other special services requested by the user.
  • The general rules of the library and instructions given by library staff – must be followed.
  • Library staff are authorised to eject users if the rules are not observed.
  • To access the library outside of librarian service hours, you will need to register as a library patron, which can be done here.

Library loans

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  • All loans must be registered in our library system. You borrow materials by using the automated machines at the library or by contacting one of the librarians at the help desk.
  • All loans are recorded with civil registration (CPR) number or library card number. This data will be deleted after the materials have been returned. The library retain access to information on, who has borrowed specific materials for a maximum of 4 weeks after the materials have been returned to the library.
  • This register of loans is in compliance with legislation on the protection of personal data.
  • Library materials are secured against theft.

How to loan

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  • In order to take home materials, you must be registered as a patron and use your health card or library card with a (self-chosen) PIN. Click here to continue to registration.
  • Parents can loan materials for their children, using the child’s library card, which awards minor patrons with special privileges.
  • Health cards and library cards are personal and may not be used by others.
  • You are responsible for all loans registered in your name.
  • If you lose your health card or library card you must notify Brønderslev Library immediately by phone +45 99 45 47 47. We will then close the card. Until the card(s) have been closed, you are responsible for any misuse. 
  • You can also download our app – Biblioteket – on your smartphone. The app can be used to browse, and reserve materials, keep track of return dates, renew loans and also functions as an alternate library card (the barcode).

Loan periods and returns

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  • The standard loan period is 28 days.
  • For materials in great demand, the library may reduce loan periods and limit the number of items that may be borrowed at a time.
  • Loans that are not in high demand may be renewed up to three times.
  • The deadline for return of materials is stated on your receipt at checkout.
  • The receipt of return is your documentation for having returned the borrowed material.
  • When returning materials, please check that everything has been correctly registered and recorded on your receipt.
  • The library will send an electronic reminder 3 days before the loan period expires.

Code of conduct

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  • Your library visit must not cause inconvenience to others. Please, show consideration in the library and tidy up after yourself.
  • You are held accountable for your actions in the library.
  • Smoking, sleeping, consummation of alcohol and being under the influence of alcohol or other drugs are not permitted on the premises.
  • Pets are not permitted in the libraries.
  • PCs dedicated to searching the library database are only to be used as such.
  • PCs dedicated to internet searching and Wi-Fi must be used in accordance with the overall purpose of the library: information, education and cultural activities. Searching for illegal content, exposure of pornographic content or strongly violent images is not allowed.
  • Our staff has the authority to dismiss and/or quarantine a patron, who uses threatening behaviour, physical harassment or coarse language. The same goes for situations where the code of conduct is not observed.
  • If necessary, the police will be sent for to secure order, protect people and ensure public safety.
  • Wanton destruction of property and theft will always be notified to the police and will lead to compensation claims.